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Silk Rope Cuffs in Red

Regular price $31.00 CAD
Regular price $36.00 CAD Sale price $31.00 CAD
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A gentle yet definitely effective means of keeping your playmate right where you want them most, Silk Rope Love Cuffs by the always exciting Fetish Fantasy line are the perfect way for any level of bondage dabbler to indulge. Do some quick research on Japanese rope bondage, and you'll see that it's an ancient art, thought to heighten pleasure enormously through restraint- which can heighten and tune the other senses, making every touch, sound, taste and smell more intense. These soft, silky cuffs don't require any previous experience, they're incredibly simple to use and fully adjustable to fit almost everyone thanks to friction free plastic cinches that won't fray or damage the cuffs. Whether you're in the mood to truss up your playmates wrists or ankles, these super soft, very effective Love Cuffs will definitely do the trick.